Rooftop Gallery 2018 KPatton-2107High Res (1).jpg

Art + Science


Art + Science

Smiling blonde woman in front of a brightly painted wall

Art and Science Collaboration

I regularly collaborate with Chicago-based artist Katelyn Patton. Check out her website below.

A series of squares of different colors used as a color checker for photography

Color and Pigment

Katelyn Patton and I have an ongoing discussion comparing how artists and scientists assess color. Please contact us with inquiries.

Green silhouetted image of a preying mantis around the words "Biology Through Art"

I am on the steering committee of the Biology Through Art Network, which recently received an NSF grant to assess the impact of incorporating art into biology classes.

Artificial Outlook

This series of window display installations, and an associated website, imagine a future where society develops various ways of dealing with species extinction to prevent ecosystem collapse. This exhibit was on display from December 2020-March 2021 on Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago.

Photo by Stephanie Suba

Photo by Stephanie Suba, NEIU student

Design in Nature

I also collaborate with Professor Lauren Meranda from the Art+Design department at NEIU to teach a course called Design in Nature (BIO/ART 302).

Chicago Museum of Ecological Progress- Art Exhibit

Building off of Artificial Outlook, artist Katelyn Patton and I designed The Chicago Museum of Ecological Progress, on display at the NEIU Art Gallery.


Wonder of Nature Research Community

Professor Lauren Meranda and I received an NEIU Research Community Grant to revitalize the concept of a curiosity cabinet with NEIU Art+Design and Biology students! The community was active during Spring 2022.